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Shut the Box Project - JS file

Additional Scripts One


Use the block of code below to add to your stbScripts.js file. This code will be the instructions for what happens when you click on a tile. Copy and paste this code into the very top of your JS file.

// global variables initiated
var rand, rand2, total, selectCount=0;

//making new arrays to hold total tile value and score of leftover tiles
tileTotal = new Array();
currentTiles = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
//this function will keep track of what tiles have been selected 
// and only allow user to select correct total based on dice
function select(obj) {
    // sum current tiles
    var tempTotal=0;
    var img = document.getElementById(obj);
    for (var i=0; i<tileTotal.length; i++) {
        tempTotal += tileTotal[i];

    if (tempTotal<total) {"hidden";

        //change the array holding current tiles
        // to input a zero for the original value
        //increase selectCount which tracks how many tiles are selected
        selectCount ++;
    else    {alert(tempTotal+" is a total beyond your roll.")};
David Johns and Electric Teaching ~ All Rights Reserved 2015