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Shut the Box Project - JS file

Additional Scripts Two


Use the block of code below to add to your stbScripts.js file. This code will be part of the IF STATEMENT instructions for what happens when you click on a tile. Copy and paste this code into the 'select(obj)' function between the conditional if{.....} and else{....};.
Lastly, you will need to fix the bug of being able to click on additional tiles after you have reached your dice roll total. To do this: make the variable total=0 when you the current tile total reaches the dice total. Then, add a conditional statement that will alert the user to roll and 'return;' to exit the select() function.

    else if (tempTotal==total) {
        //show roll button in leftside div.

        //change the array holding current tiles
        // to input a zero for the original value

        //make our temporary tileTotal back to empty and reset selectCount to zero.  tileTotal = Array();

You will need to add this line to your roll() function:

David Johns and Electric Teaching ~ All Rights Reserved 2015